Wednesday, September 26, 2012

From "Inconvenient Truth" To "Inconsistent Myth"

For the past two decades, politicians and activists have been playing the role of Chicken Little trying to convince us that the sky is indeed falling. I was a teenager for most of the 1990s and can remember hearing horror stories of ‘Global Warming’ and the ice caps melting and polar bears drowning in the Arctic. Al Gore led the charge with warnings of disaster if we didn’t reduce our “carbon footprint” by finding alternative renewable energy sources. I can recall my fears as I watched the evening news with my dad and saw story after story about Global Warming complete with “scientific studies” and “expert” opinions on the subject. Sadly, I was unaware, at the time, of the media bias and how the talking heads of the networks were complicit in perpetuating this rouse. Let me rephrase that…this was not just a rouse… this was the most large scale attempt to convince Americans of something that had little to no evidence of being anywhere near the truth… well, until now that is, as we listen to Obama supporters try to convince us that the President has had a very successful four years…but I digress.

Let me first stipulate that I believe that “Global Warming” or “Climate Change”, as it more commonly referred to now, is real. However, the notion that it is in anyway caused by man and our use of fossil fuels is beyond ridiculous. The fact is that the Earth goes through cycles and has for millions of years. Today, the two sites in Antarctica, EPICA and Vostok, where core ice temperatures are measured are no higher than they were 400,000 years ago. Currently, the Earth is in what is called a interglacial period or a warming period and has been experiencing this warming trend for 11,000 years. Conventional wisdom says that, from historical data, the usual interglacial period lasts around 12,000 years…however, most experts calculate this current interglacial period to be parallel to a previous period which lasted more than 28,000 years. Not convinced? See for yourself:

Furthermore, I would like to mention the fact that over 70% of the earth is water, which means that less than 30% of the earth’s surface is made up of land with only 3% of the land being inhabited by humans and a fraction of percent of that inhabitance that is industrialized. Even with this fact, the environmental extremist and political propagandists still try to argue that greenhouse gases released by use of natural resources in the industrialized world is causing this natural warming effect. Even with the fact that carbon emissions have been reduced significantly in America over the past thirty years due to, what had been up until now, common sense regulations on the energy industry, they still try to convince you that Climate Change is manmade. Even with the fact that carbon dioxide (Co2) levels are lower today than they were over 300,000 years ago…long before the industrial age, they still say that the coal and oil are to blame for the earth’s rising temperatures. Not convinced? See for yourself:


Scientifically, the general consensus is that fluctuations in the amount of incoming solar radiation are the most likely cause of large-scale changes in Earth's climate. This solar variable was neatly described by the Serbian scientist, Milutin Milankovitch, in 1938. There are three major components of the Earth's orbit around the sun that contribute to changes in our climate. First, the Earth's spin on its axis is wobbly, much like a spinning top that starts to wobble after it slows down. This wobble amounts to a variation of up to 23.5 degrees to either side of the axis. The amount of tilt in the Earth's rotation affects the amount of sunlight striking the different parts of the globe. The greater the tilt, the stronger the difference in seasons... i.e: more tilt equals sharper differences between summer and winter temperatures. The range of motion in the tilt (from left-of-center to right-of-center and back again) takes place over a period of 41,000 years. As a result of a wobble in the Earth's spin, the position of the Earth on its elliptical path changes, relative to the time of year. This phenomenon is called the precession of equinoxes. The cycle of equinox precession takes 23,000 years to complete.

In short, I think its self evident that man has very little impact, if any, on the climate changes of the Earth. I know I threw a lot of scientific mumbo jumbo at you…most of which I myself have the slimmest of understanding…but the more you look at the facts and the history of our planet, the more this manmade “Global Warming” myth becomes laughable and should be dismissed outright. This is nothing more than a scheme to turn people against fossil fuels to further the agenda of progressives and left wing nuts who long for a government controlled energy industry.


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