Sunday, September 16, 2012

White House Hypocrisy (shocking...I know)

Stemming from my last blog about this faux outrage over religious intolerance in America expressed by the President and his administration, I have found conclusive evidence of the absolutely stunning hypocrisy attached to every word emitted from their shameless mouths. Perhaps you've heard of a little film series about a couple of stoners named Harold and Kumar... or perhaps not. The premise of these movies is two friends that smoke a lot of pot and get into outrageous situations as they try to accomplish what should be very easy tasks. There have been three installments of the 'Harold and Kumar' movies with each one trying to be even more extreme than the last. There are numerous  "jokes" made at the expense of religion in these films...but the second sequel, 'A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas', has sunk to all new lows. The movie depicts Jesus as a night club owner with nude women on each has a nun shower scene complete with full frontal nudity...and one of the stars of the movie, Kumar, punching a bishop in the face (to name a few).

However, this is only part of the story. The story gets more interesting when you learn that the actor playing the role of Kumar is a man named Kal Penn. You may not be aware of this, but Kal Penn works for the White House. THAT'S RIGHT! Works for the WHITE HOUSE!!! On April 8, 2009, it was announced that Mr. Penn would join the Obama administration as an Associate Director in the White House Office of Public Engagement. Penn resigned his post as Barack Obama's Associate Director of public engagement on June 1, 2010, for a brief return to his acting career. After filming the third Harold and Kumar movie...and doing a guest spot on 'How I Met Your Mother, he returned to his political duties. Not only returned to his duties, but he also gave a speech at the Democratic National Convention in North Carolina earlier this month. You can't make this stuff up. Again, I ask, where is the outrage?

Video is for mature audiences only:


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