It seems everywhere I look in America, religion is fair game for offensive attacks and denigration as long as that faith is Christianity or Catholicism or Judaism. I ask, where is the outrage when Bill Maher viciously attacks Christians? Or Seth Macfarlane depicts Jesus Christ in offensive ways on his cartoons? Both Maher and Macfarlane are contributors to the Democratic Party, and yet there seems to be zero outrage over their intentionally offensive attacks (all be it in the name of humor). And how about the smear campaign launched by MS-NBC, or as I refer to it "OBAMA-NBC" or "BS-MBC" or "BM-NBC" (take your pick), attacking the Mormon religion. Especially, Mr. "Thrill up my Leg" Chris Matthews who referred to Catholics and Mormons as "Cultists".
Where is the outrage...where is the outcry to stop the religious intolerance? What's it going to take??? Christians storming HBO studios??? or Mormons scaling the walls of MS-NBC burning pictures of Chris Matthews??? Of course these things will never happen because Christianity is a religion of peace...and there is where the difference lies.
There is no outrage over religious intolerance (or if there is, its the most blatant example of hypocracy I have ever witnessed). What we are witnessing is a primal fear of the Islamist extremist who turn to violence at a moments notice. The radical wing of the Muslim religion has caused such anxiety amongst our leaders in America that they immediately feel the need to defend the Muslim faith while ignoring the other faiths that face attacks on a daily basis. At this point, our leaders have developed such an overwhelming fear of radical Islam that they dare not even say the words "extremist" or "radical Islam" or "War on Terror". However, I caution that speaking no evil does not make evil go away. I assure you that the War on Terror continues whether the President wants to admit it or not. The war did not end with the Killing of Osama Bin Laden. You must remember that the Cold War was fought for decades, and I fear that the War on Terror has decades left ahead of it as well. Now is not a time to be scared and try to appease our enemy in hopes that they will somehow come to terms with the West. News flash: THEY HATE US! THEY WILL ALWAYS HATE US and everything we stand for. And by they, I mean Islamist extremists. Diplomacy has zero...let me repeat that...ZERO...chance of sucess with them. They will not be satisfied until every American, Christrian, Jew, and every other non believer is dead in the name of Allah. Thats just a fact...and its nothing to be scared of...its something to be intolerant of and fight against in the name of freedom.
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